
High Risk Payday Loans Provides an Opportunity to Improve Your Credit Score

18/06/2012 15:39
The requirements for many of the different cash advance or payday loans tend to be very clear about three things: You must be a citizen or legal resident, you must have regular employment and you must have a valid bank account. Out of all three requirements, the major obstacle seems to be the third one: The valid bank account.

Lenders need that bank account so that they can deposit the funds via electronic wire transfer quickly and efficiently. That convenience is a two way street that allows them to give you the loan and you to access the funds as fast as possible as easily as possible.

The good news is that even if you do not have a bank account, it is still possible to get a cash advance, but you will have to apply in person to a lender in your area to get either the cash or a check that you can cash to access the funds you need. Because there is no way for the lender to guarantee repayment of the loan with a post dated check or automatic deduction from account, expect the fees to be significantly higher than regular cash advance loans. The interest rate could also spike to well over 40%. However, if you do not have an account, this is still the fastest way to get cash.

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